Debt Recovery Pricing

Debt Recovery Pricing Image

Debt recovery (up to £100,000)

We set out below fixed costs that would apply where your claim is in relation to an unpaid invoice which is not disputed and enforcement action is not required. If the other party disputes your claim at any point, we will discuss any further work required and provide you with revised costs information if appropriate, which could be a fixed fee (e.g. if a one-off letter is required), or an hourly rate if more extensive work is needed.

Our hourly rates are based upon the experience of the person carrying out the work, which would range from £160 to £300 plus VAT per hour.

Factors that could make a case more complex

  • The debt is disputed

  • There is more than one defendant

  • There is difficulty tracing the defendant

  • There is a counterclaim made by the defendant

  • There are a number of witnesses/documents to consider

Our standard fee to send a Letter Before Action is £300 plus VAT.

If sending a letter before action does not resolve the matter then our fees for preparing the claim for issue are:

Debt value

Our fee (excluding VAT)

Up to £5,000


£5,001 to £10,000



£1,000.00 to £5,000.00

 Applicable Court Fee

Value of your claim

Court fee (excluding VAT)

Up to £300


More than £300 but no more than £500


More than £500 but no more than £1000


More than £1000 but no more than £1500


More than £1500 but no more than £3000


More than £3000 but no more than £5000


More than £5000 but no more than £10000


More than £10000 but no more than £200,000

5% of the value of the claim

More than £200,000


Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that:

  • The VAT element of our fee may not be recoverable from your debtor.

  • Interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding, with a higher cost.

  • The costs quoted above do not include the costs of enforcement action, such as the bailiff, needed to collect your debt.

Our fee includes the following key stages:

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing documentation

  • Undertaking appropriate searches

  • Sending a letter before action

  • Receiving payment and sending onto you, or if the debt is not paid, drafting and issuing claim

  • Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the court to enter Judgement in default

  • When Judgement in default in received, writing to the other side to request payment

  • If payment is not received, providing you with advice on next steps and likely cost

Who will be dealing with your case

Chris Dewey is the head of our debt recovery department and supervises the work being carried out by our team who includes Joseph HenryAlexandra Ronketti and Joshua Winner.

Matters usually take 8-12 weeks from receipt of instructions from you to receipt of payment from the other side, depending on whether or not it is necessary to issue a claim. If proceedings are required, the matter will take longer to resolve.

Click here to visit our Debt Recovery page to learn more.

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